Changes to Repeat Prescriptions Ordering from September 2017

What is changing?

From September 2017, we will only accept requests for repeat prescriptions from you, your carer or a family member/friend (apart from in exceptional circumstances by arrangement).

If your medicine is currently ordered for you by your pharmacy you will need to order it directly from your GP practice.

If your pharmacy picks up your prescription from the practice or delivers your prescription to your home or if your prescription goes electronically to your chosen pharmacist, this will continue to happen.


How can I order my repeat prescription?

You can order a repeat prescription by:

  • Patient Access OnlineYou can order your prescriptions on- line on your desktop, laptop or mobile. If you are not already registered for on-line access we at the practice can help you set this up. To register click here
  • Once registered, you can also order your medication via the Patient Access Mobile App. This is a free app available on Android and IOS that can be downloaded from the App Store by searching ‘Patient Access’.
  • Drop off or post the tick slip - This is the right-hand side of your prescription, selecting only the items you need. If you don’t have your slip please put your request in writing listing the medications you require.

How will I know if this affects me?

If you have been identified as having at least one medicine that is a repeat prescription you will receive a letter in July 2017. The letter will explain why this is happening, the ways that you can order your prescription and who to contact if you need any further support or information.


Is anyone exempt from this?

There are a number of patients who order a repeat prescription, who are exempt from this new process of ordering repeat prescriptions.

These include:

  • Patients on blister packs
  • Patients in Care Homes

Why is this happening?  Over-ordering, stockpiling and unused medicines cost the NHS hundreds of millions of pounds every year. Medicines waste is estimated to cost the NHS Halton over £700,000 every year. This money can be used to fund other vital health care services in Halton.

What do I need to do?  If you do currently have your prescriptions ordered by your pharmacy from September 2017 onwards you will need to arrange how to order them directly from your GP practice using one of the methods detailed above.  

If you need support with registering for on-line ordering (Patient Access) or you have any other concerns about these changes please contact the practice.

If your repeat prescriptions are not currently ordered by your pharmacy these changes will not affect you and no action is necessary.

When patients order their own prescriptions this is safer and reduces waste. Ordering your repeat prescription directly from your practice will enable you to only order what you need as and when you need it. This will mean your GP can better monitor the medicines that you do and do not use and will help discussions about choosing the right medication

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